Monday, June 15, 2009

Top 5 Blogs -- Final Count!!!

Congratulations on all of the spectacular work that can be found on the links to your right. During our blog project I saw some very impressive drive, growth and determination as many of you gave your all.

Thank you to everyone for a great school year and have a great summer!

To the seniors, it was a pleasure teaching you and best of luck in college and the years beyond.

Now, on the last day of school, here are the top 5 blogs as voted by your peers:

1) Nathaniel Kelliehan & Desmond Edwards

2) Claude Boston

3) Kamal Stephenson

4) Shantia Chavis

5) Shanta Thomas

1 comment:

Mikey Visa said...

OK........DOne.... WIll I THink Da Mine IS Da mOSt Unique....HAve ANice Summer MR.D