Wednesday, October 8, 2008

HW #3, Due Friday, October 8th!

Bring in a rough draft of your opinionated "mini-column" discussing Barry Bonds and the accusations surrounding his steroid use. (minimum 300 words)

Pick one of the questions about Bonds to focus from the list below, and then incorporate the others into your column as needed.

Remember, you need to start with a 20-25 word lead to interest you reader in your column. After you write your lead, you should be sure to get directly to your argument.

Please email me if you are having a hard time writing this piece:

For more information to work with, you can look at the articles we read in class from homework assignments #1 and #2 (posted below this post).

You can find links to statistics we used in class by clicking on the following names:
Barry Bonds
Roger Clemens
Jason Giambi

The questions for this column are:
1) If found guilty, should Bonds/Clemens have their records stripped? What about everyone else who used steroids?
2) Should Major League Baseball just accept steroids and move on?
3) Should Bonds and other suspected/confirmed steroid users be allowed in the Hall of Fame?
4) Should a baseball team sign Bonds?

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