Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stat Counter

The latest addition to your layout is a "Stat Counter", letting you know how many people have viewed your blog. You can find the Stat Counter for this blog in the lower right corner when you scroll to the bottom.

To set up Stat Counter, you have to visit www.statcounter.com to set up an account. Use your gmail information to register for an account and then follow the directions.

If you need help, send me an email at mr.donohue@gmail.com

See you in class!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Blog Project

Right now you should have the following covered on your blog. Remember, for most elements you just need to follow the "Add a Gadget" section on the "Layout" tab.

-Welcome note (found under the "text" option in "Add a gadget")
-About me (do not include information like last names, home addresses and school names)
-Links of all you classmate's ULRs
-A widget from ESPN.com or another sports source. For non-sports blogs, you must include a second link list with 5 links to websites related to your topic.
-Create a poll ending in June.
-1 Picture
-News Reel

Also, you should have at least 3 posts completed at this point. Remember, each post should represent 20-25 minutes worth of typing.

Email me with questions at mr.donohue@gmail.com.

See you in class!

-Mr. Donohue

Friday, May 15, 2009

Blog Work

By Monday, May 18th, you should have accomplished the following on the blog project.

1) Created a blog at blogger.com

2) Set up your blog with the following (go to "layout" or "customize" and then click "add a gadget").

-Link 3-5 classmates in a link list (see links on the side of this blog)

-Create a poll related to the topic of your blog.

-Add a photo.

-Add a news reel.

-Introduce your blog in 2-3 sentences in the "text" gadget.

-Add some information on the "About me" section -- but nothing that reveals your real identity to the public!

-For Sports blogs: add a widget. Plenty of widgets can be found on ESPN.com under the link for "Sports Nation".

-For non-sports blogs: create a second link list with 5 links to sites related to your topic.

Please feel free to email me with questions: mr.donohue@gmail.com

See you in class!

-Mr. Donohue